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End-to-end secure

Wimi Armoured, the first end-to-end encrypted collaboration platform, offers a unique solution to effectively collaborate on your sensitive projects or activities without compromising on the security, confidentiality, and sovereignty of your data.
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What is Wimi Armoured?

A complete collaborative suite …

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Instant messaging

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Tasks & Gantt

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Shared calendar

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… and highly secure

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End-to-end encryption

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Multi-factor authentication

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Data sovereignty

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SaaS, hybrid or on-premise

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SSO / Company Directory

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Fluid collaboration on your sensitive projects and activities

Wimi Armoured is a unique solution to effectively collaborate on sensitive projects or activities without compromising on the security, confidentiality, and sovereignty of your data.

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An all-in-one platform to secure all types of exchanges

By bringing together all the essential teamwork tools in a single solution, Wimi Armoured secures as needed: instant discussions, files, tasks, calendars, video, etc.

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Security without compromising on user experience

Wimi Armoured integrates a high level of security and confidentiality while offering a smooth and optimal user experience whatever your device and wherever you are.

Protect yourself against threats

Wimi Armoured offers, to any organization concerned with security and sovereignty, effective protection against the majority of threats that hover over sensitive data, projects and activities.

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By combining enhanced authentication (multi-factor, multi-device), end-to-end encryption and sovereign storage, Wimi Armoured represents a unique solution to meet current challenges in the fight against cybercrime.

Data leak

End-to-end encryption makes data unreadable to unauthorized persons.

Data tampering

All changes to your data are tracked in a dedicated Trustchain.

Theft of accommodation equipment

If a malicious person steals, for example, a hard drive in our infrastructure, the data will remain completely unreadable.


In the event of an intrusion, the stored data is encrypted, and the decryption keys are missing from our infrastructure (local keys).

User password theft

A user is protected by multi-factor authentication. In addition, the connection must be made from a previously authorized station.

User device theft

Multi-factor and multi-device authentication offer high protection against theft of devices (mobile, laptop, desktop).

A multitude of use cases covered

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Protection of strategic projects and content

Wimi Armoured offers unparalleled protection (security, confidentiality, sovereignty) for your projects and strategic data.

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Collaboration with external partners

Collaborate with your external partners without constraints and without compromising on security.

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Sharing confidential data

Wimi Armoured allows you to securely share all types of previously encrypted data: messages, files, tasks, calendars, video, etc.

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Stimulation of multi-site teamwork

Create collaborative workspaces very simply in which remote teams can collaborate without constraint.

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Management of sensitive projects and activities

Wimi Armoured offers all the tools necessary for project management, coordination and execution in a perfectly secure environment.

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Confidentiality of a client mission

Wimi Armoured is the ideal solution to carry out missions for your clients while ensuring them the best level of confidentiality and security.

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Creation of enriched datarooms

In just a few clicks, create Datarooms including files, but also instant chats, tasks, a calendar…

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Work on high-stakes calls for tenders

Wimi Armoured allows you to securely share all types of previously encrypted data: messages, files, tasks, calendars, video, etc.