
Wimi Staff

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Best Practices for Project Management

Best Practices for Project Management

Poor project planning often leads to delays, increased budget, and even project failure. While a management methodology is recommended for all projects, complex projects require special attention. To help you achieve your goals optimally, we present some best...

Communities and document sharing: 4 things to know

Communities and document sharing: 4 things to know

Like private companies, local and regional authorities use, create, share and store a large number of data and documents. Confidentiality and the protection of data isn’t a new subject, but this year, it is more relevant than ever with the implementation of the...

Nonviolent communication: how do you implement it?

Nonviolent communication: how do you implement it?

In the words of Marshall B. Rosenberg: “Words are windows or else they are walls. They forbid us or they liberate us.” Derogatory remarks, reproaches or reprimands, the office can sometimes turn into a real boxing ring where everyone takes turns to throw punches at...

How to work in a team and promote teamwork

How to work in a team and promote teamwork

“Alone we travel fast, together we travel far.” African proverb It is true that we accomplish more when we work together. Associating ourselves with people whose experience and skills are different and complementary to our own allows us to advance faster and further....


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit maecenas

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