


How to work in a team and promote teamwork

How to work in a team and promote teamwork

“Alone we travel fast, together we travel far.” African proverb It is true that we accomplish more when we work together. Associating ourselves with people whose experience and skills are different and complementary to our own allows us to advance faster and further....

What are the main causes of project failure?

What are the main causes of project failure?

“It's hard to fail, but it's worse to never have tried to succeed.”  Franklin D. Roosevelt Managing a project from A to Z is often a real challenge that requires a lot of work, rigor, and involvement. It’s a worthwhile investment when the project ends in success,...

The Waterfall Method: An introduction for beginners

The Waterfall Method: An introduction for beginners

Before you launch yourself into the management of a project, it is essential to define the method that you will follow. There is a wide variety of methods, from the newer agile approach to the older and more traditional waterfall method, you are spoiled for choice....

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