


6 Benefits of collaborative working for businesses

6 Benefits of collaborative working for businesses

In the Private Sector as well as in government roles, collaboration is more prominent now than ever. Collective intelligence achieves much faster progress and the completes more tasks than solo work. Put simply, two, three or ten minds are better than one. Thus, by...

How to work in project mode?

How to work in project mode?

You’ve probably already heard of it. Companies are increasingly often choosing to work in project mode. This work method entails numerous advantages. It notably removes organisational barriers by encouraging teamwork in the company and reducing or even eliminating a...

How to work as a team and facilitate collaboration?

How to work as a team and facilitate collaboration?

“Alone we go faster, together we go further.” – African Proverb It is true that we can accomplish much more when we work together. By surrounding ourselves with people who possess experiences and skills that are different yet complementary to our own, we can more...

How to implement non-violent communication

How to implement non-violent communication

“Words are windows, or they are walls. They either condemn us or set us free” - Marshall B. Rosenberg Disparaging comments, reproaches or reprimands, the office can sometimes turn into a boxing ring where everyone takes turns throwing punches. It is often difficult to...

How to create an ideal work environment for your team?

How to create an ideal work environment for your team?

Do you want your employees to be efficient and productive? You have to take work environment into account. In fact, according to the Baromètre Actinéo 2019 on the quality of life at work, the employees who were asked consider that their work space has on impact on...

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