


Zapier connects Wimi to all your apps

Zapier connects Wimi to all your apps

    From this point forward, in order to boost efficiency, our users can connect their favorite apps with Wimi using Zapier. For example, one can create an automatic task in Wimi every time they receive a certain email, or even create an automatic message in...

Wimi in San Francisco!

Wimi in San Francisco!

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Wimi v5 Oxygen is here!

Wimi v5 Oxygen is here!

We see managers and employees work on increasingly numerous and rich projects.With Oxygen we bring them fresh air to ease and energize daily work.

Oxygen is our greatest realease so far. Wimi is faster and more visual than it has ever been. Oxygen offers a freshly renewed task management module and introduces amazing communication tools directly integrated to your Wimi.

With Wimi Oxygen, reinvent your teamwork.

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Thousands of businesses use Wimi to make teamwork
simple, fluid and efficient.