Connect Wimi with your favorite tools
We built integrations to make sure every member of your team can benefit from the power of Wimi with the tools they already love.
Native integrations
We built native integrations with file management services that you and your team might use. Note you can also just use Wimi Drive.
Environment integrations
Wimi integrates with Microsoft Office 365 and Google G Suite (Google Apps for Work) to enable project-oriented collaboration.
Business apps (Zapier)
Zapier helps you build tailored integrations between Wimi and thousands of other apps.
Native Integration
Google Drive
OneDrive & OneDrive for Business
Environment integrations
Microsoft 365
Use Wimi with Microsoft Office 365 and increase productivity
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Google Workspace
Use Wimi with your Google G Suite and increase productivity
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Business apps (powered by Zapier)
Wimi is available on Zapier, which gives you the power to integrate Wimi with thousands of other apps to automate your work. Here are a few ones that our users enjoy. Click here to view all our integrations on Zapier >
Post Wimi notifications to Slack when your team sends updates
Create new tasks automatically when you star an email
Create a new task when a new lead is added to Salesforce
Google Calendar
Share and sync Google Calendar events with Wimi
Create a new task when you create a new note on Evernote
Post a channel message on Wimi when a payment is completed
Post a new channel message when a Freshbook payment is completed